Wednesday 29 April 2020

BACK IN THE COVID - The Lockdown Diary Day 2

Lockdown Diary
DAY 2.

I am now social network distancing. Twitter is off for the foreseeable future. We have been out for a walk. There are very few potentially virus carrying employees at large on our local industrial estate and I think it was pretty safe. We met our steps target of 10000 and met our embracing-with -strangers target of zero, so all is well. It was also quite a productive day part of which I spent in the latibule gilding my latest painting after applying the bollo yesterday. Here I am looking as though I know what I'm about which could not be farther from the truth. But the concentration and the mindful release was just what I needed. Sharon drew the short straw and got to do the vacuuming. At least she is very good at that.

For the purposes of this diarytribe the lockdown day starts at 14:00 hrs. It is now 13:47 hrs so therefore still day 2 when our vacuum cleaner packed up. Investigations are in progress. The weather is improving and with a dry day today and 4 days of glorious sunshine ahead of that thoughts turn to concreting the steps that have remained half complete all winter waiting for a few days like these.

My old school acquaintance Robert who is a professional musician has bemoaned the suspension of his life’s work which he does not plan to retire from unless forced. He has no conducting or performance gigs lined up for at least three months. Making music is a highly sociable business for musicians in both practise and performance and their audiences and (speaking as as serious listener only of course) I can understand the frustrations and strain involved in isolation from all that concerts involve. I imagine it to be the same for professionals in team sports too. For myself then, yet another reason to be cheerful. I am a contented introvert. Happy with my own company, for pretty long stretches, I have never retired from work and now operate from a cosy workshop/studio otherwise known as the shedio roughly 9 metres from where I write and I am off there now to start day 3. Tara!

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