Saturday 16 May 2020

BACK IN THE COVID - The Lockdown Diary Day 30

I devoted most of my day today to art. It was a necessary restorative. There being very little else to report of my activities here is a picture of wild garlic (Ransomes) planted last autumn under the trees at the top. They have been helped by a wet and somewhat warm winter but did well and look very healthy.

Great news! The government has announced that all patients being returned to Care Homes will now be tested for Covid 19 and will not be returned unless they are clear!

Now I am happy to be corrected here should I be wrong but if you have a virus pandemic and you know that the people who will die from it are largely the most elderly and frail would you not immediately put in place measures to protect them and their carers both in and out of care homes. Immediately in this case being early February and not yesterday! Our NHS and adult care system has been returning or sending Covid-19 infected patients, their infected clinical practitioners and infected care workers into care homes and private homes and, in effect, knowingly causing mass death. This is negligence on an industrial scale. History will record this as an act of gross betrayal and sacrifice of our senior citizens, we can only hope that history records it with the names and jail sentences meted out to the criminals who have perpetrated or are complicit in this atrocity.

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